Apr 9, 2015

Baby Showers and Getting Ready for Nellie

It's crazy to think next week we will be holding our little girl. I'm sad in a way that this chapter will end but also so excited about the next chapter. We've not only prepared for the last nine months for this next chapter but prayed for it to happen for 6 years. We are so ready for Gods blessing. 

We were blessed with two awesome family baby showers and received more than we deserve. It's amazing to see how much people love Nellie already. 

Shower at my sisters, given by Paige, Jenn and Cami. 

Us before our shower at Grand Traditions given by Kevin's aunts and uncle. 

Kevin and I've had so much fun getting Nellie's temporary room ready. Kevin has played with all her goodies testing them out. His favorite is the MamaRoo. 

Only a few more weeks until her new house will be ready. 

View of living room/fireplace. The wooden beam at the top is going to be amazing. 

Things are moving along quick. Sheetrock and texture are done. Ready for trim, cabinets, doors and paint. Building a house and being 9 months pregnant has been hard. But totally worth it. 

We loved our maternity pictures too. Such a blessing and a reminder of sweet Nellie being in my belly. Monica Torres does an amazing job. I can't wait to see our newborn pictures. 

Kevin and I have been so blessed during this pregnancy. I can't wait to see all the blessings as begin our journey as parents.