Sep 2, 2011

Here We Go!

Yesterday Kevin and I went down to Plano for my first blood work in preparation for the frozen embryo transfer. I have no idea what the numbers scientifically meant but we know two things for sure. First off were not pregnant, clearly not a news flash. Secondly, I have to take Provera for 5 days in order to start. Once I start I will take birth control pills for 2 weeks and start my injections on day 15. We won’t have to go in for an appointment for 4 weeks which is hard to believe. With the IVF cycle we were there almost every other day. Basically, that’s all I know right now. We will get more instructions on the medications once I start and they order them for me. We are both pretty excited about this cycle and I really feel like this is going to work! The metformin is still working great and I am really starting to see changes!

I am so excited that it’s finally September! I think everyone in Texas is happily welcoming fall and is hopeful of cooler days to come! Kevin set up our deer feeder last weekend and we are going to set the blind up this weekend! We really want to go dove hunting and practice shooting our bows if it’s not too hot. This heat is really interfering with our outdoors activities! I am also going to try and twist Kevin’s arm to take me to H&M at Northpark this weekend! But I’m not going to hold my breath.

Please continue to pray for that sweet little embryo that is frozen and that it can survive the thaw. We are looking at a transfer in late October around Kevin’s birthday. October is full of loved ones birthdays so this would add one more blessing to the list! Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers!

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