Dec 20, 2011

The $10,000 Question!

It’s been a while since I have updated our blog. Most of you know that Kevin and I had our only frozen embryo transferred at the beginning of November and found out on our anniversary that it was not successful. We were both pretty emotional about it not being successful but know God does have a plan for us getting pregnant. I was overwhelmed by the calls, texts, emails and prayers sent up that day. We for sure felt everyone of those prayers, that is what got us through.


The hardest thing for me has been the money. All along the doctor told us that he can get us pregnant it just might take us a couple of times of IVF to get it to work. We have truly struggled with paying for what we just completed and we will be paying for it the next three years and I was overwhelmed trying to figure out to pay for it again. But in the end I know God has a way for us and he will provide every dime we need to do IVF again. God truly knows what we need and provides. I have complete faith that he will make a way for us to do IVF again next summer and I can’t wait to see how God is going to work through our lives to provide that.

We are going to take a few months off in between IVF to not only find a financial plan for IVF but to also take a break. It’s been so wonderful not to have to take medications, go to the doctor 2-3 times a week and really relax during the holidays. We are going to start acupuncture in January to see if that helps and will continue that up until we do our next round of IVF. I will also start gulcaphage again in January on a reduced dosage to help regulate my insulin levels. We are hoping this helps our IVF cycle as well.

We are truly living on our faith in the Lord and know his plan is more perfect than the dreams we had of how our life would be. 2011 has been a struggle for many and our prayer is that 2012 will provide blessings for all! Thank you for praying for Kevin and I during this journey. We pray that each of you have a safe and blessed Christmas. Remember that Christmas is truly celebrating the birth of our Savior!

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