Feb 10, 2015

Hello Third Trimester

The dreaded glucose screening happened two weeks ago. I started feeling sick the day before and woke up feeling even worse but I was determined to stick it out and do my test. 

Good thing I did, I passed with flying colors. So thankful I did. I couldnt have done the three hour test. By the end of the test I felt so bad, I was doing my best to hold down this sugary drink. 

Later that day I started running a high temp and my PCP was out of flu swabs so they sent me to minute clinic. I was frustrated and so sick so I waited till Kevin could drive me. Test came back positive for type a flu. The flu is terrible, but add being 7 months preggers on top of that. Coughing alone when pregnant is a punishment. 

When my results came back from my glucose test they did find out I was anemic. So in addition to all my other meds they've added a special kind of iron. Next week I will transition to a new blood thinner injection and I will stay on it until the day before my csection. Then after delivery I will go back on the injections for 6 weeks to make sure I have no issues. I can't wait until we are done with shots, but I'm thankful they are keeping me and most importantly baby safe. 

In other news we were able to start construction last week on our house. It's taken us months for negotiating with the bank, contractors, the city, the county but finally we got our approval to start construction. 

So far the form boards are up and plumbing is in. Just waiting on the rest of the foundation to be completed. It's so fun watching it progress everyday!

I'm so ready for it to be complete because we need a bigger closet for our sweet Nellie Mae. I can't stop buying clothes for our sweet girl. And princess crowns. 

Yes, that is a pink swimsuit and sunglasses. Me and Nellie plan on swimming this summer. 

And my mom got me a Kate Spade diaper bag. It's perfect! 

Tomorrow I will be 29 weeks, time is flying. I'm so excited and sad at the same time. I've been so thankful for this pregnancy and I'm not sure if it will be my only one. But on the bright side I have a precious girl who will be here in just a flew short weeks. I love her so much already! 

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