Jun 1, 2011

And now we wait.....

Today Kevin and I had our second IUI procedure, which was a lot easier than the first one. Dr. Douglas actually preformed this procedure and told us that everything looked perfect. We had two follicles (21 mm and 18 mm) on the right ovary. We had a third one that was a 13 and they didn't expect that one to release. We used more medications this round than we have ever used. We spent about $1500 at the pharmacy on our injectables but we were happy to see success from that. We are very hopeful that this IUI will work but we continue to know that God is in control. Now we play the waiting game. We won't know anything for a couple weeks if this IUI took or if we will proceed with IVF. Kevin said I need a project to keep me busy during that time to keep me occupied and I completely agree.

Over the last year and a half I have met many other couples that are going through the same issues that we are going through with infertility. There are some great online support groups that have been helpful as well. Infertility is a journey that unless you have taken it personally you can't really understand how it feels, so it has been really comforting to have others to lean on when you need it.

Since I have been on this journey I have found that some people don't know how to express their support for those going through infertility issues. Someone else I know who is going through infertility treatments passed this website along to me on Infertility Etiquette and I totally agree with it. If you know someone that is going through infertility I would urge you to read it, it could help you understand how to be supportive to those going through treatments.


At first Kevin and I weren't sure how open we wanted to be with what we are going through, it is such a personal walk and somethings are really hard to express to others. But I have really found that talking to others about what we are going through can be therapeutic. I know God has a purpose for choosing Kevin and I to walk this journey, we really just couldn't see at first why this had to happen to us and what we could do for others from this. As time has passed on I realized that we can pass along wisdom and support from our journey to others going through the same issues.

We have been so blessed with a loving circle of friends and family and are so thankful for the love, support and prayers we have felt lately. I can't express to you how thankful we are for the calls, emails, card and visits. God truly does give us the comfort we need, when we need it the most. I am often reminded of a verse that I was taught in church as a child. Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. What a comfort it is to have Jesus on our side and provide us with the strength we need!

·         January - March 2010 stopped BC and no AF

·         April 2010- Diagnosed with PCOS by OB

·         June 2010- Round One of Clomid (25 mg for 7 days); No follicles/Cancelled Cycle

·         July/August 2010- Round two of Clomid (25 mg for 7 days); No follicles/Cancelled Cycle

·         September 2010- Round three of Clomid (25 mg for 7 days); No follicles/Cancelled Cycle

·         November/December 2010- Round four with Clomid (150 mg for 7 days). No follicles/cancelled cycle

·         January 2011- Round One with Femera. No follicles/cancelled cycle. Our OB suggested we meet with a specialist

·         February 2011- Consultation with Dr. Douglas (RE) in Plano

·         February/March 2011- 150 mg of Clomid and Femera for 7 days. No follicles big enough, ended in a cancelled cycle

·         March/April 2011- Clomid, Femera, Follistem, and Ovidrell. Two follicles (21 mm and 20 mm). First IUI ended in a BFN

·         May/June 2011- Clomid, Femera, Follistem, and Ovidrell. Two follicles produced and second IUI completed.

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