Progesterone in Oil injections are a pain in the butt, literally! I have bruises, knots and can barely sit on my rear. I had been forewarned that POI injections were crappy but I really didn't get it, until now! My sweet husband does such a great job giving me the shots but its the after pain and knots that hurt not the shot itself. At least the only other side effects have been a headache and slight nausea. Dr. Douglas had given me some Zofran which has come in handy. I am really happy to take the injections as long as needed for the embryos but I just had to let it all out. They are not fun!
Okay, enough with the POI injections and on to bigger better news. Thursday morning the embryologist called and we found out that the ARTs department was able to freeze one of our sweet little embryos. I had really hoped deep down in my heart that we would be able to freeze one but my head kept telling me not to get upset if we didn't get the opportunity to do so. We are so thankful for that embryo that is frozen and I am so thankful for the embryologists and Dr. Douglas for taking such good care of them.
Kevin has been such a blessing the last couple of day, but he is that way all the time. He has done laundry, dishes, vacuumed and cooked. He has beyond understanding and I am so grateful for this sweet husband. Kevin has also been really protective of me not just physically but emotionally. He hid the cleaning wipes, and if you know me that's big! I have also been blessed by amazing friends and family. After I posted my last blog I was shocked by all the texts, emails and phone calls I received. Friends, coworkers, family and sorority sisters that I don't talk to every day where telling me how much they loved me and they were praying for us. Also, one of Kevin's best friends little girls have been praying for us during all these procedures. When Kevin told me these sweet girls were praying for us it brought tears to my eyes. I also know there are people out there silently praying for us and we feel that love too! Kevin and I are thankful for all of these supportive people in our lives!
People have also told me they are amazed by the images of our embryos. Its so hard to believe that at one point in our life we were that small. To think one small egg gets beaten with sperm until one breaks through and then life begins. At one time I thought it just took one sperm, which in the end it does. But it actually takes those other millions of sperms to breakdown the outer edge of the egg before that one sperm can fertilize it. Its hard to believe that we were that fertilized embryo. I never thought of any of these things until Kevin and I started this journey in the spring of 2010. God is truly an awesome God!
I really don't want to come off as someone who doesn't complain or gripe about issues. I will be there first one to tell you that I am not always that positive. Lately its been easier to focus on the positives instead of the negatives. I don't want to be that girl that posts really crappy and grippy blogs complaining about life. I hate that! Hit me in the forehead if I become that girl!
Please continue to pray for these precious embryos. We don't know what's ahead but we are thankful God's in control. And now we continue to wait and pray for a blessing!
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