Ever hear of a coffee enema {yes, you read that correctly}. Before I go further let me say we asked Kevin's doctor before we did this and she said she didn't really believe it had any benefit but it wouldn't harm him. It was recommended by a holistic person we see and love here in Denton. It took Kevin two months of considering it before doing it. I will say his doctor has referred us to a couple mushroom supplements and crazy vitamins so she's open to new things.
We are a team, so I did it too. Clearly not at the same time, but same day. What is it you ask? Let me fill you in on the details.
You take organic coffee beans, grind them and boil them in water. You let that cool and strain out the grinds. While it cools you take a castrol oil soaked cloth to your liver and lay a heating lad on it. Holding it on around 30 mins. Once the coffee mixture cools you fill up your bucket, lay down in the bathroom and let gravity take it's course. You use as much as possible and hold it at least 15 mins. Your tummy cramps and then it all flows out. It really wasn't that bad and we both felt really good after. Kevin actually felt so good that we went out to dinner and stayed out and about with his family until 10:30 pm that night. That's amazing, especially after chemo, he never feels like that a couple days after chemo. Not sure if it really cleanses your liver but it does clean you out. Like squeaky clean and your house will smell like Starbucks. Weird combo, right.
Kevin also had reflexology this weekend too and I'm a firm believer that it helps. It relaxes him so much, and really what more could you want. I love the essential oils she uses and we use them at home too.
We didn't just do hippie things all weekend. No, no we rednecked it up too. Saturday night Kevin wanted a treat so he got a blizzard on the way to his parents house. And so did I. The mini blizzards are the perfect size. DQ is the Texas stop sign.
We picked veggies from his dad's garden, played with Pierson outside on the golf cart and watch fireworks. A perfect Saturday night with the family.
Who doesn't love some sparklers. We love the Fourth and I can't wait for more fireworks this weekend. Especially looking forward to spending more time with our families.
Back to the coffee enema, there is a lot of info out there on it. Bottom {pun intended} line, you've gotta do what's best for you and what's okay with your doctors. We found it beneficial and we'd both do it again.
Hope you have a happy Fourth!
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