This past weekend Kevin and I got a few things ready for deer hunting in October. We were able to find me a new pair of snake hunting boots, which I love. Who knew a pair of hunting boots would ever make me happy but they did. They are so much more comfortable than the boots I had last year and they will make the mile walk back to the blind a lot better. Added bonus I don't have to worry about snakes! We also were able to get me a case for my bow, deer corn and our hunting licences for this year. Other than putting up our blind and feeder we are pretty much set. We took some time this weekend to practice shooting and we had so much fun. Did I say I was ready for fall yet, good grief how much longer can this hot summer last!
New hunting boots!
I have had a lot of people tell me or email me about my blog lately and I have found many of them have PCOS or infertility. It really makes me wonder if something with my generation has affected our bodies and caused infertility. Or has fertility been around but not talked about. I am really thankful that this blog has been a out reach to others. My prayer is that out of our struggle with infertility I can support and comfort someone else going through it. I also hope that it gives others not going through infertility a understanding of the struggle and the ability to comfort someone who is.
Please continue to pray for our frozen embryo and our upcoming transfer! We are so thankful for your prayers and support, they are truly felt!