Aug 10, 2011

A New Season...

We have been enjoying the much needed break from doctors offices, injections and counting down days until procedures. So far metformin has been the only new thing I have had to worry with and so far its hasn't been bad. Friday I take my first full dose and I am hoping by Monday I will be fully adjusted to it. Even thought I was almost dreading this break from trying procedures it has really brought more strength and faith for our upcoming FET. We have truly given all our worries to God and we know he will provide a way, and that has been the biggest blessing to us.

Its hard to believe its almost September, which marks the beginning of one of my favorite seasons. Fall has always been my most favorite time of year. I love the clothes, weather, pumpkins and everything that has to do with fall. Last fall Kevin introduced me to bow hunting, which I actually really enjoyed. I passed on a great shot thinking something bigger would come along but I never had a shot like that again all season. I loved spending time in the blind with Kevin just being still and enjoying watching the deer and other animals that passed us by (as long as it wasn't a snake).

We started talking last weekend how its almost time to start putting our blinds up again and that really made me think about seasons. There is a season in our life for everything and those season make us look forward to the next. Infertility is just a season in our lives and when it passes we will move on to a new and joyous season. Without the grief and pain we have felt we couldn't truly appreciate the next season of our life.

Kevin and I opening day in 2010

Our prayer is that God will provide our little frozen embryo the strength it needs to survive and attach during the transfer in September. I believe that with God all things are possible and I am so thankful for his grace. As fall approaches I thank God for a new season and re-newed hope!

Psalm 46:10- "Be still, and know that I am God.."

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