Apr 22, 2014

The pity party is over....

Today I had a pity party for myself. I even shed a few tears. But being upset doesn't fix ANYTHING, it just makes my mascara run and gives me dark circles. And the older I am the harder those are to cover up. 

It started when Kevin's doctor called and said his white blood cells fell this week and he has to wait a week to do chemo. He's been fighting off sinus issue since Thursday and didn't sleep at all Sunday night before his blood work on Monday. They said that's the culprit. It wasn't abnormally low, just not high enough were he can do chemo this week. So now he starts chemo next week, on my birthday. That's actually a happy thing, I know the chemo is fighting off those nasty cells so i don't care what day he gets to start. Just finding out the news he wouldn't start this week upset me and I started to spiral down from there. I became my own Debbie downer. I hate that. 

But I have a million and one reasons not to be upset. Far more good things in our lives verses the bad. So the pity party has officially ended. 

Good things that happened today:

1) it was my mother in laws bday, so we celebrated tonight with dinner
2) i had a red velvet sprinkles cupcake at work for employee appreciation (calories don't count during a pity party)
3) my sweet parents sent me flowers to celebrate my birthday

So moral of the story, don't be a Debbie downer. Take life one day at a time and count your blessings. And if you do have a pity party, eat a sprinkles cupcake. Life looks a lot better after a cupcake. 

Pray Kevin's allergies and sinus issues end and that his white blood count goes up so he continues his monthly chemo next week. God is good all the time, even on a hard day. Never forget that. 

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